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Supplement for inconvenient working hours

Local collective agreement on Supplement for inconvenient working hours that applies [after negotiation ended 12/01/2022] from 2022-12-01

Supplement to the basic pay for inconvenient working hours, usually evenings and weekends.

Type/When SEK per hour, minimum limit * Divisor Divisor – Vets **
OB 1 - Simple 37 600 400
OB 2 - Qualified 75 350 200
OB 3 - Double qualified 145 175 100


*Full-time monthly salary is divided by the divisor according to the table, where the employee has a guaranteed minimum level in SEK per hour.

**Veterinarians serving in clinical practice. Full-time monthly salary is divided by the divisor according to the table.


Published: 2023-01-10

Updated: 2023-01-10

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